introducing solid foods to toddler

Now that’s a mouthful!

As toddlers learn the new skill of eating solids they will often stuff the food in their mouth. This gives them lots of sensory feedback about the food and they learn what is a good bite size for them. Many quickly learn a smaller bite is easier. Some are able to move the food in…

“Training Plate” for fussy eaters to explore

It is very important to expose your child to new foods. Sometimes your child will have a melt down if the new food is on his plate. Offer a side plate or a “learners plate” so that you are still providing him new food. If you don’t offer it you are somewhat agreeing with him that the food is not safe for him. When the food is on the side plate he might feel safer touching it and exploring it. Research shows us that being exposed to new foods will eventually lead to your child trying the new food.

sweet pea occupational therapy ottawa

Group Snacks

Meal and snack time can be fun and adventurous. The studies indicate that eating with family or friends results in kids being more adventurous as children watch what others eat. Parents and peers can be the best teachers to model enjoying a variety of foods. We all eat more when we sit around the table…

Mealtime Togetherness - Sweet Pea Occuptional Therapy

Mealtime Togetherness

Mealtime is a social experience. We all eat more when we are at the table surrounded by family and friends. If you would like your child to grow up interacting with others over a meal then it is time to put away the distractions such as a tablet or TV. What they learn and experience…

Charcuterie Exploration 

Charcuterie Exploration 

A study out of the UK resulted in an awareness of the significance of exposure to a variety of foods. The larger     the variety of foods a child can see and touch results in them trying new foods. Adding some foods on the charcuterie board that your child does eat along with new…