Children Feeding issues

Apple Picking Time

Fall is a wonderful time to explore bright coloured fruit and vegetables. Apple picking is a fun activity for all family members. The focus is on the picking and not on the eating. This makes children feel safe and open to trying different types of apples or apples for the first time. Bobbing for apples…

Back to school lunches

Many parents tell me that their child’s lunch often comes home from school not eaten. Here are some tips for encouraging your child to eat their lunch; have your child help you pack their lunch they can choose one item freely they can then choose between two less preferred foods then they can choose a colour…

child eating

Food can be the distraction!

Many parents feel the use of toys or tablets are a good distraction for a child who is a fussy eater. It is better to engage the child in food exploration to maintain their interest. This corn on the cob may not be eaten but it can be poked and explored. It’s best to use…

Carrie Owen - Sweet Pea Occupational THerapy

Nutrition & Growth International Conference

I presented on the research I conducted on parent satisfaction with feeding programs I designed to assist children with feeding challenges. The results indicate that parents were very satisfied with the feeding services and  the children acquired improved  feeding skill levels.

The conference was international with professionals in health care from all over the world.