
Weaning Off an NG Tube

There are many steps to weaning. The first step is to introduce food in a gentle way so the child feels comfortable and safe with eating. Start by placing small swipes of purée onto your child’s lips. Encourage your child to use a spoon by themselves. Messy eating leads to self feeding.

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Suspendisse vulputate tristique urna, nec feugiat leo. Sed volutpat tellus interdum pulvinar. Morbi viverra, mi non placerat tincidunt, lectus neque bibendum turpis, at venenatis justo lorem ipsum dolor sit glavrida massa a justo dolor venenatis. Quisque at dictum metus. Phasellus non adipiscing odio. Nullam pulvinar sapien id libero facilisis bibendum. Etiam id elit, vel tincidunt nulla.…