baby feeding

Birthday Cake Smash

Many parents of picky toddlers are disappointed when they think their child won’t eat the birthday cake. The trend today is to have a “Cake Smash”. This takes the pressure off and your child might surprise you and take a taste when no one is expecting it.

Encouraging biting and chewing

Toddlers love to get messy and explore. Corn on the cob is a great food to encourage biting and chewing. It feels good on their gums and easy to hold. If you are trying to have your child gain some weight then lather in some salty butter. The salty taste is known as an alerting…

peanut-butter allergies

Peanut Butter or Wait?

There have been many changes recently on how to approach peanut allergies. Current research suggests that peanut butter can be introduced earlier than the age of two years once considered the rule. Try the Wow butter and almond butter for flexibility as many schools do not allow children to bring peanut butter to school.

transition to self feeding

The Transition to Self-feeding

When a child transitions to self-feeding parents are often concerned as the food  intake reduces almost by half.  The child has to learn the fine motor skills for self-feeding and it is not always easy picking up the small pieces of food.  Research shows us that as the child learns to feed themselves, they start…



How any times have you heard yourself say this. Mealtimes can be very stressful for parents. Here are two  mealtime tips to help your child with eating more than macaroni and cheese. Tip # 1. Schedule meals and snacks. Keep two hours where your child has nothing to eat or drink. Develop hunger. Even water interrupts…


Helping Hands

Many children who are hesitant to get their hands dirty while eating also tend to limit the foods they are willing to try. Getting your child helping with food preparation is a fun way to get them feeling more comfortable with those less preferred foods.